
This example shows the use with Search and Htmx.

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Page 80 of 100 (Total items: 1000)
Id Name Address City Country Email Phone
791 Mike Farrell 100 Hane Pine Ondrickastad Luxembourg [email protected] 934-658-8935
792 Dorothy Hamill 6503 Hodkiewicz Grove Prosaccohaven Madagascar [email protected] 278.900.5322
793 Maria Huel 0407 Jennings Ville West Friedrich Macao [email protected] 1-259-261-4333 x0755
794 Cecile Lowe 4713 Roob Extensions Aubreyville Australia [email protected] 563-331-1787
795 Jany Hartmann 1829 Ian Alley Emileside Monaco [email protected] (583) 337-1864
796 Ethan Weissnat 6984 Ceasar Mountains Port Alison Brunei Darussalam [email protected] 917.782.7920 x505
797 Romaine Dibbert 357 Aiyana Haven North Malika India [email protected] (599) 312-4380 x42626
798 Maynard Kirlin 7569 Madilyn Landing Greenfelderton Tanzania [email protected] (983) 363-4555 x38785
799 Maribel Rutherford 04057 Cameron Freeway South Braulio Sweden [email protected] 1-234-843-0147 x5945
800 Harvey Little 946 Koss Ville East Lillie Austria [email protected] 672-637-9671 x0885