
This example shows the use with Search and Htmx.

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Page 71 of 100 (Total items: 1000)
Id Name Address City Country Email Phone
701 Alford Mertz 3694 Rodriguez Fork Hansenchester Nigeria [email protected] 282-881-2238 x64346
702 King Gottlieb 4761 Wuckert Viaduct Wilburnhaven Australia [email protected] 928.904.8524 x773
703 Leonie Gibson 06399 Thalia Heights Hendersonfurt Mexico [email protected] 310-879-4601 x1886
704 Mackenzie Cronin 4480 Jace Isle Kathrynburgh Liberia [email protected] (584) 651-4538 x5807
705 Jean Lebsack 041 Missouri Roads Konopelskimouth Tunisia [email protected] 1-533-381-9751
706 Norene Lind 111 Jones Glen North Javier Uganda [email protected] 993.398.2345
707 Rolando Reynolds 2059 Johnson Terrace North Juniorhaven Norfolk Island [email protected] 856.653.7541
708 Clay Gaylord 016 Schaden Trafficway Kyliechester Bhutan [email protected] 720.406.6227
709 Linwood Huels 145 Jacinthe Roads Deondrestad Puerto Rico [email protected] (991) 609-5505 x4490
710 Shaina Blick 3658 King Branch Lake Helmermouth Paraguay [email protected] 1-552-810-5645 x307