
This example shows the use with Search and Htmx.

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Page 67 of 100 (Total items: 1000)
Id Name Address City Country Email Phone
661 Afton Beahan 12852 Donnie Corners North Sierra Swaziland [email protected] 1-390-957-0141
662 Reba Sauer 155 Boyle Ports Valentinton Saint Helena [email protected] 657-216-0890
663 Charlie Farrell 24226 Eldridge Spur New Emelyfurt Greece [email protected] 589-752-6805 x5810
664 Ofelia Dickinson 74476 Davis Centers New Sarahshire India [email protected] 266.750.1031
665 Fiona Huel 424 Edmond Union North Keeley Afghanistan [email protected] (781) 474-7335 x075
666 Kathryne Marvin 20734 Colin Street Isaiahview Saint Kitts and Nevis [email protected] 1-931-862-9966 x569
667 Dimitri Baumbach 907 Joesph Forge Keelyland Togo [email protected] (591) 507-1633
668 Duncan Murray 150 Runte Turnpike Fadelmouth Latvia [email protected] 1-353-929-6129 x2113
669 Estelle Cronin 16764 Berge Manor Port Stephon Algeria [email protected] 789-716-5719
670 Maiya Harvey 353 Morar Knolls Carrollberg Turkey [email protected] 1-803-687-2043 x125