
This example shows the use with Search and Htmx.

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Page 6 of 100 (Total items: 1000)
Id Name Address City Country Email Phone
51 Graciela Bins 78452 Scot Extension Lake Horaciostad Portugal [email protected] 392-863-4888 x58909
52 Sandra Bednar 961 Homenick Summit Port Aliya Guyana [email protected] (703) 472-1613 x70247
53 Rosamond Roberts 164 Annetta Grove Kozeyburgh Syrian Arab Republic [email protected] 568-901-0336 x45871
54 Godfrey Schroeder 83068 Mayert Plain Lake Branson Azerbaijan [email protected] 1-892-559-5234 x871
55 Eugene O'Conner 76469 Volkman Green Wisozkfort South Africa [email protected] 1-826-213-2049
56 Ervin Bruen 47791 Zemlak Haven North Lillian Comoros [email protected] 1-970-341-1131 x0042
57 Carlos Kunze 77649 Kaycee Coves New Harmon Mozambique [email protected] 1-634-403-9123
58 Lilly Koss 36508 Kozey Camp Terryfort Syrian Arab Republic [email protected] 890.274.4154 x0866
59 Kaley Lakin 62168 Chaim Views South Janiceside Singapore [email protected] (211) 248-8125 x2533
60 Kattie Bergstrom 129 DuBuque Lodge North Trey South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands [email protected] 972-325-4012