
This example shows the use with Search and Htmx.

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Page 4 of 100 (Total items: 1000)
Id Name Address City Country Email Phone
31 Leta Hudson 25853 Eduardo Square West Careyfurt Swaziland [email protected] 391.555.8072 x36217
32 Jaylen Kutch 983 Zelma Rest Rogahnhaven Ireland [email protected] 500.589.7693 x11960
33 Norene Jaskolski 03979 Alvis Vista Kuvalisstad India [email protected] 1-383-573-0392 x3335
34 Dejah Kiehn 3426 Jerde Alley West Daniellabury Senegal [email protected] 608-927-8529
35 Amanda Little 023 Edison Villages East Yadirastad Nigeria [email protected] 1-479-474-2303
36 Stefan Adams 035 Kihn Trail Port Adityafort Brunei Darussalam [email protected] 326.219.5158 x85013
37 Velva Daugherty 505 Susanna Brooks West Wilberfurt Georgia [email protected] 344.902.1709
38 Dessie Spencer 3356 Vincent Shoal East Eltonburgh Venezuela [email protected] (447) 985-0166 x6704
39 Ruthie Ullrich 4584 Wiegand Locks West Jermaintown Mauritania [email protected] (718) 950-1727
40 Birdie Hickle 280 Zulauf Roads Seanmouth American Samoa [email protected] 1-779-862-3135