
This example shows the use with Search and Htmx.

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Page 25 of 100 (Total items: 1000)
Id Name Address City Country Email Phone
241 Twila Kessler 5689 Greenholt Common East Etha Albania [email protected] (511) 717-8364
242 Dexter Hettinger 25240 Ernie Trace West Winfieldmouth Niger [email protected] (290) 385-8520 x0966
243 Dave Farrell 9073 Hahn Cliff Tremblayfort Iceland [email protected] (949) 497-7842 x873
244 Joan Kassulke 8538 Boyle Flats East Samanta Paraguay [email protected] 541-518-0401 x6484
245 Lucius Terry 8353 Rogers Fork Gailside Somalia [email protected] (983) 996-7323 x025
246 Elisabeth McLaughlin 858 Isabella Estates Boyerborough Ecuador [email protected] 708-512-9690 x1431
247 Norbert Crona 626 Glover Avenue Lake Alexandrine Liechtenstein [email protected] 1-837-227-4097 x2893
248 Berta Kutch 0221 Tremblay Fields Elzatown Slovakia (Slovak Republic) [email protected] 714.242.5190
249 Robb Kihn 6534 Howe Junction Micahberg Guyana [email protected] 982.965.0995
250 Marley Sporer 175 Thelma Brooks West Krystel Hong Kong [email protected] 1-894-809-1177