
This example shows the use with Search and Htmx.

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Page 22 of 100 (Total items: 1000)
Id Name Address City Country Email Phone
211 Enoch Hettinger 72944 Stehr Heights Port Camden Denmark [email protected] 943.836.0191 x529
212 Reinhold Dickens 029 Cheyanne Trail East Courtney Slovenia [email protected] 1-481-310-0586
213 Carlos Lebsack 505 Rosenbaum Villages Collinsborough Sierra Leone [email protected] 1-268-749-9477
214 Liana McDermott 59773 Beau Ports East Royce Bolivia [email protected] 1-455-721-3539 x430
215 Bret Goldner 651 Brekke Lake Legrosburgh Chile [email protected] 226.779.2299 x1986
216 Clementina Schamberger 36633 Hamill Walk West Waino Saudi Arabia [email protected] 304-593-7127 x28001
217 Aiyana Schinner 65066 Christ Cliff North Susie Myanmar [email protected] 1-524-800-3716 x887
218 Brando Bednar 487 Jordan Fords Adrainfurt Lebanon [email protected] 1-335-482-2040
219 Kara Schaefer 5418 Beier Stravenue North Edwinamouth Saint Pierre and Miquelon [email protected] 1-306-606-2054 x39839
220 Turner Breitenberg 726 Schimmel Fords Jacintheview Comoros [email protected] 664-534-7172 x624