
This example shows the use with Search and Htmx.

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Page 20 of 100 (Total items: 1000)
Id Name Address City Country Email Phone
191 Felipe Purdy 2264 Rupert Station Thompsonside Gabon [email protected] 880-779-7790
192 Ellis Ritchie 807 Doyle Shores Tomburgh Uruguay [email protected] 324-671-5874
193 Andreane Blick 2967 Lubowitz Cape Fadelbury Bahamas [email protected] 649.892.7487
194 Justine Boyle 30303 Wisozk Cove New Noemi Mali [email protected] 1-831-427-1639
195 Marcelo Price 703 Pansy Haven Colbyfort Costa Rica [email protected] (483) 323-7171 x05781
196 Chaim Mayer 0083 Robel Spring Roeltown Guernsey [email protected] 280-984-2706 x65726
197 Annie Greenholt 4583 Stanton Centers Aniyahfort Estonia [email protected] 1-426-762-0190 x0229
198 Violette Jacobi 82819 Carroll Divide Olsonside Cote d'Ivoire [email protected] 1-465-957-9020
199 Jovan Cummerata 3360 Urban Lodge Kristinside Northern Mariana Islands [email protected] 1-545-378-9045
200 Samanta Quitzon 9284 Veda Falls North Jordanland Philippines [email protected] (796) 387-1422