
This example shows the use with Search and Htmx.

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Page 16 of 100 (Total items: 1000)
Id Name Address City Country Email Phone
151 Mireya Lind 9592 Theodore Parks East Joannietown Chile [email protected] 1-542-686-6797
152 Annabelle Mayert 3586 Rozella Row Port Arnold Kyrgyz Republic [email protected] (382) 865-4645
153 Demario Lehner 10711 Berniece Summit Johnstonton India [email protected] 1-599-783-7475
154 Tanya Rolfson 01206 Norwood Corners South Sallieshire Argentina [email protected] 1-434-587-4389 x17045
155 Hazel Barrows 618 Yundt Plaza West Elta Iran [email protected] (965) 591-2413 x7422
156 Vinnie Gottlieb 58727 Janis Shoal Lake Jeremyborough Puerto Rico [email protected] 1-386-362-1924
157 Bethel O'Connell 950 Leonor Cape Alexandreaport Burundi [email protected] 902-914-1750
158 Myrna Lueilwitz 2253 Lesch Run New Ollie Oman [email protected] (229) 676-4393 x5969
159 Eldred Wiegand 211 Dell Neck East Cassandretown Kazakhstan [email protected] 1-764-746-3557 x32609
160 Tiara Buckridge 0389 Bernier Brook South Vernieland Tuvalu [email protected] 368-456-1612 x6455