
This example shows the use with Search and Htmx.

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Page 14 of 100 (Total items: 1000)
Id Name Address City Country Email Phone
131 Christop Hamill 924 Russ Views Port Haileechester Turkmenistan [email protected] 397.246.0643 x5625
132 Leanne Schmitt 61307 Wilbert Mill Wilhelmton Nauru [email protected] 487-689-2076
133 Janiya Bednar 679 Torp Meadows Eleonoreton Pitcairn Islands [email protected] (392) 281-1143 x64386
134 Denis Halvorson 52129 Granville Junctions Lynchland Colombia [email protected] 400-514-8954
135 Alene Stracke 323 Marta Overpass Purdyhaven United States of America [email protected] 641.642.8870 x225
136 Alphonso Schultz 122 Block Ferry North Tre Tajikistan [email protected] 590.651.1601 x145
137 Mack Hessel 634 Gianni Crossroad Trebury Nauru [email protected] (633) 422-1798
138 Ike Reynolds 010 Odie Canyon Satterfieldstad Gibraltar [email protected] 1-886-837-4139 x9122
139 Malvina Kerluke 369 Haven Ridge North Aracely United States Minor Outlying Islands [email protected] 349.591.7756 x79579
140 Osbaldo Kutch 46006 Kallie Centers Port Joanachester Ukraine [email protected] 468.726.1551 x10438