
This example shows the use with Search and Htmx.

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Page 1 of 100 (Total items: 1000)
Id Name Address City Country Email Phone
1 Hanna Schmidt 008 Lockman Garden South Nella Rwanda [email protected] 238-751-0532 x3066
2 Jamir Willms 464 Julia Gardens Port Rachael Poland [email protected] (400) 584-3994 x680
3 Fern Marks 71322 Onie Islands South Eddie Guernsey [email protected] 872.497.0779
4 Otha King 1776 West Mountains Janiyaview Dominica [email protected] 809.902.9028 x1678
5 Rudolph Wolf 20425 Caitlyn Avenue Madalynton Guatemala [email protected] 397.784.8435 x72706
6 Adrian Daugherty 0404 Emory Station Jalenville Guatemala [email protected] 308.582.7525 x77795
7 Selina Mayer 282 Camilla Ramp Hildegardbury Timor-Leste [email protected] 211.902.8575 x7520
8 Colt Lynch 600 Clemmie Spurs North Alethastad Trinidad and Tobago [email protected] (305) 278-6086 x572
9 Marilou Johnson 45154 Maverick Lodge North Kamryntown Barbados [email protected] 702.922.0634 x037
10 Tamia Davis 34539 Maud Ways West Hadley Turkey [email protected] 466-651-9519 x9888