
This example shows the use with Search and Htmx.

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Page 1 of 100 (Total items: 1000)
Id Name Address City Country Email Phone
1 Erwin Crona 9760 Hammes Unions Port Eddiehaven Uganda [email protected] 986.552.8335 x782
2 Kaia Wisoky 957 Enrico Ramp Goodwinmouth Guinea [email protected] 799-782-9868 x889
3 Gilberto Becker 141 Christiansen Forest New Nonashire Belarus [email protected] 1-978-955-7552
4 Ofelia Douglas 74330 Hammes Hill South Alexandrefurt New Zealand [email protected] 657.907.1800 x47652
5 Clint Heller 5693 Alexandria Extensions Dejuanview Canada [email protected] (452) 798-4353
6 Isobel Hoeger 356 Dolly Way Bransonmouth Seychelles [email protected] 1-329-937-4078 x42539
7 Larue Rutherford 660 Gleichner Heights New Giles Democratic People's Republic of Korea [email protected] (866) 851-2177 x4332
8 Opal Gutkowski 2558 Tyler Crossroad South Paolo Finland [email protected] 470-669-1775 x05885
9 Ivah Huels 75645 White Divide Earleneland Maldives [email protected] 1-839-589-0415
10 Angeline Murazik 50454 Bailey Causeway Vanceland Estonia [email protected] 856.969.6736