This example shows the basic usage of the PagingTagHelper with a model. It also disables the HTMX functionality and uses the Javascript snippet to handle the paging.
Id | Name | Address | City | Country | Phone | |
81 | Joanie Daugherty | 0779 Gutmann Summit | Port Nicholasville | Chad | [email protected] | 1-347-816-2151 |
82 | Jordon Muller | 52283 Lueilwitz Spur | Liaport | Brazil | [email protected] | 256-706-3621 x3720 |
83 | Sage Mraz | 2143 Meredith Keys | Sawaynshire | United States of America | [email protected] | (622) 902-6529 |
84 | Ellsworth Russel | 41471 Magdalen Harbors | Bartonville | India | [email protected] | 1-934-963-9832 x8832 |
85 | Jesus Abernathy | 05242 Cecile River | South Araside | Colombia | [email protected] | 398-893-3628 |
86 | Martin Kunde | 2715 Greta Shore | West Adaland | Afghanistan | [email protected] | (211) 213-7263 x084 |
87 | Berta Dooley | 11847 Skylar Plaza | North Hilmahaven | Nepal | [email protected] | 986.410.1692 x083 |
88 | Oliver Pollich | 65378 Lowe Skyway | West Keshawnberg | Niger | [email protected] | 969-373-1200 |
89 | Vincent Altenwerth | 448 Lynch Unions | Carolynefurt | Jersey | [email protected] | 660-845-1799 |
90 | Creola Prosacco | 0682 Labadie Burgs | South Pasqualeland | Ecuador | [email protected] | 829.812.4489 |