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This example shows the basic usage of the PagingTagHelper with a model. It also disables the HTMX functionality and uses the Javascript snippet to handle the paging.

Id Name Address City Country Email Phone
61 Lucio Hegmann 46975 Vernie Expressway New Abner South Africa [email protected] 1-577-210-2988
62 Rhett Bergstrom 7848 Delmer Motorway Kiehnton Kazakhstan [email protected] 696-214-7066 x98670
63 Leonie Boyle 1736 Johns Isle East Tierraberg Samoa [email protected] 217.951.6912 x567
64 Kristopher Labadie 01224 Rutherford Dale Faheytown Montenegro [email protected] 1-857-408-2808 x5754
65 Raymond Prosacco 6279 Liliane Row Port Lonburgh Oman [email protected] 1-427-998-9881 x494
66 Cyril Jacobson 209 Otho Viaduct South Domingochester Senegal [email protected] 259.704.4000 x5877
67 Lauryn Bosco 766 Kelvin Park East Kylafurt India [email protected] 1-316-640-7055 x481
68 Jadon Wiegand 09702 Reilly Islands Rathville Ireland [email protected] 294.473.3399 x70467
69 Walter Morissette 252 Miles Point East Busterborough New Caledonia [email protected] 1-345-499-3335
70 Destiny Daugherty 698 Harris Rue New Wilson Lithuania [email protected] 799.400.7047