This example shows the basic usage of the PagingTagHelper with a model. It also disables the HTMX functionality and uses the Javascript snippet to handle the paging.
Id | Name | Address | City | Country | Phone | |
61 | Lucio Hegmann | 46975 Vernie Expressway | New Abner | South Africa | [email protected] | 1-577-210-2988 |
62 | Rhett Bergstrom | 7848 Delmer Motorway | Kiehnton | Kazakhstan | [email protected] | 696-214-7066 x98670 |
63 | Leonie Boyle | 1736 Johns Isle | East Tierraberg | Samoa | [email protected] | 217.951.6912 x567 |
64 | Kristopher Labadie | 01224 Rutherford Dale | Faheytown | Montenegro | [email protected] | 1-857-408-2808 x5754 |
65 | Raymond Prosacco | 6279 Liliane Row | Port Lonburgh | Oman | [email protected] | 1-427-998-9881 x494 |
66 | Cyril Jacobson | 209 Otho Viaduct | South Domingochester | Senegal | [email protected] | 259.704.4000 x5877 |
67 | Lauryn Bosco | 766 Kelvin Park | East Kylafurt | India | [email protected] | 1-316-640-7055 x481 |
68 | Jadon Wiegand | 09702 Reilly Islands | Rathville | Ireland | [email protected] | 294.473.3399 x70467 |
69 | Walter Morissette | 252 Miles Point | East Busterborough | New Caledonia | [email protected] | 1-345-499-3335 |
70 | Destiny Daugherty | 698 Harris Rue | New Wilson | Lithuania | [email protected] | 799.400.7047 |