This example shows the basic usage of the PagingTagHelper with a model. It also disables the HTMX functionality and uses the Javascript snippet to handle the paging.
Id | Name | Address | City | Country | Phone | |
51 | Sofia Gibson | 79806 Orrin Harbor | Isactown | Syrian Arab Republic | [email protected] | (997) 820-9355 |
52 | Kaela Barrows | 7042 Johnston Meadows | Lake Armando | Saint Helena | [email protected] | 1-989-764-1079 x01494 |
53 | Corine Okuneva | 479 Casimir Club | Nilsmouth | Pakistan | [email protected] | (556) 255-0547 x5333 |
54 | King Botsford | 59407 Marlen Springs | Lake Josuehaven | Cook Islands | [email protected] | 853.314.4015 x3454 |
55 | Jessica Erdman | 438 Schaefer Mountains | West Antonietta | Guadeloupe | [email protected] | 1-325-938-8708 |
56 | Samara Beahan | 170 Crist Inlet | West Garnet | Belarus | [email protected] | 703.289.4435 x05802 |
57 | Vincenzo Will | 5357 Mueller Junction | New Melisamouth | Cape Verde | [email protected] | 700-868-4769 |
58 | Riley Gottlieb | 93492 Ottilie Field | South Alfonzo | Vietnam | [email protected] | 236.444.4951 x8847 |
59 | Wyatt Auer | 04182 Amber Isle | Barrowston | Uzbekistan | [email protected] | 261.561.0059 |
60 | Maximilian Predovic | 8446 Smitham Pine | West Daishachester | Botswana | [email protected] | (344) 719-1938 x4051 |