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This example shows the basic usage of the PagingTagHelper with a model. It also disables the HTMX functionality and uses the Javascript snippet to handle the paging.

Id Name Address City Country Email Phone
51 Sofia Gibson 79806 Orrin Harbor Isactown Syrian Arab Republic [email protected] (997) 820-9355
52 Kaela Barrows 7042 Johnston Meadows Lake Armando Saint Helena [email protected] 1-989-764-1079 x01494
53 Corine Okuneva 479 Casimir Club Nilsmouth Pakistan [email protected] (556) 255-0547 x5333
54 King Botsford 59407 Marlen Springs Lake Josuehaven Cook Islands [email protected] 853.314.4015 x3454
55 Jessica Erdman 438 Schaefer Mountains West Antonietta Guadeloupe [email protected] 1-325-938-8708
56 Samara Beahan 170 Crist Inlet West Garnet Belarus [email protected] 703.289.4435 x05802
57 Vincenzo Will 5357 Mueller Junction New Melisamouth Cape Verde [email protected] 700-868-4769
58 Riley Gottlieb 93492 Ottilie Field South Alfonzo Vietnam [email protected] 236.444.4951 x8847
59 Wyatt Auer 04182 Amber Isle Barrowston Uzbekistan [email protected] 261.561.0059
60 Maximilian Predovic 8446 Smitham Pine West Daishachester Botswana [email protected] (344) 719-1938 x4051