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Page 4 of 26 (Total items: 256)

This example shows the basic usage of the PagingTagHelper with a model. It also disables the HTMX functionality and uses the Javascript snippet to handle the paging.

Id Name Address City Country Email Phone
31 Jon Lang 0042 Candido Station Sisterbury Cayman Islands [email protected] 1-568-566-8830 x1246
32 Sister Schamberger 498 Scarlett Crossing Port Pietro New Zealand [email protected] 1-343-577-2659
33 Jaron Metz 8154 O'Hara Radial Sammiemouth Faroe Islands [email protected] (466) 801-3232 x089
34 Ethyl Cummerata 126 Schuster Mill East Nyasia New Zealand [email protected] 657.405.0595 x42951
35 Myron Prosacco 6858 Antonette Causeway Lake Chasityland Gambia [email protected] (296) 854-1402 x69791
36 Jeromy Reichert 04029 Eleanore Brooks Spencertown Czech Republic [email protected] 1-780-206-8071 x8832
37 Leatha Little 70878 Trantow Pass Lake Vitobury Myanmar [email protected] 429-441-5635 x603
38 Robert Jenkins 227 Breitenberg Lane O'Reillystad San Marino [email protected] 1-432-774-0462
39 Mortimer Runolfsdottir 947 Elda Tunnel Wuckertstad Guatemala [email protected] (448) 934-6355 x786
40 Sonya Hoeger 1961 Joey Turnpike Adelleburgh Mozambique [email protected] 1-456-781-2172 x500