This example shows the basic usage of the PagingTagHelper with a model. It also disables the HTMX functionality and uses the Javascript snippet to handle the paging.
Id | Name | Address | City | Country | Phone | |
251 | Destany DuBuque | 21949 Johns Landing | Jamaalmouth | Equatorial Guinea | [email protected] | 1-214-282-6521 x10488 |
252 | Idell Mills | 9862 Dustin Club | West Margaretteview | Marshall Islands | [email protected] | 1-799-348-0799 x22212 |
253 | Robert Will | 61758 Brekke Estates | Jefferymouth | Saint Barthelemy | [email protected] | (972) 861-4562 x2284 |
254 | Hadley Stokes | 040 Herzog Locks | West Clydeton | Cayman Islands | [email protected] | 1-684-826-1734 |
255 | Faye Farrell | 5017 Anjali Ford | Lomachester | Iceland | [email protected] | 1-863-942-6979 x17823 |
256 | Chyna Hamill | 602 Lynch Loaf | Treutelside | United Arab Emirates | [email protected] | 1-783-752-8350 |