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This example shows the basic usage of the PagingTagHelper with a model. It also disables the HTMX functionality and uses the Javascript snippet to handle the paging.

Id Name Address City Country Email Phone
241 Garrett Ernser 97721 Trinity Pass Lake Sophieberg Belize [email protected] (626) 665-9212 x684
242 Brenda Lockman 08918 Kling Grove Creolaland Christmas Island [email protected] 1-517-301-6655
243 Dillon Christiansen 32793 Davonte Dale Elnorafurt Rwanda [email protected] 835-948-1662 x312
244 Russ O'Conner 908 Haylee Causeway Everthaven Egypt [email protected] 739-419-2248 x68712
245 Kasandra Donnelly 0555 Metz Branch Rueckerchester Ireland [email protected] 1-736-496-8680 x29486
246 Nya Ziemann 40327 Kacie Plaza South Douglas Serbia [email protected] 775-708-5246 x176
247 Tanner Greenfelder 8526 Bosco Roads South Dortha Cameroon [email protected] 875-915-4075
248 Kelley Thompson 025 Laney Fields Port Isabelleborough Slovenia [email protected] 889-357-5286 x10408
249 Shad Johnston 87189 Lakin Falls New Columbusville Zimbabwe [email protected] (260) 706-5481 x06489
250 Nicolas Towne 395 Conn Springs Altenwerthfort Algeria [email protected] 471-815-8393 x16571