This example shows the basic usage of the PagingTagHelper with a model. It also disables the HTMX functionality and uses the Javascript snippet to handle the paging.
Id | Name | Address | City | Country | Phone | |
231 | Stanley Bauch | 268 Rutherford Expressway | Noahchester | Colombia | [email protected] | 437-221-7840 x379 |
232 | Roger McDermott | 146 Heidenreich Skyway | Lucindachester | Zimbabwe | [email protected] | (361) 312-6260 |
233 | Domingo Kihn | 789 Littel Port | Lake Olinview | Costa Rica | [email protected] | 633.373.9816 |
234 | Felicia Senger | 1009 Brandt Branch | Prosaccostad | Hong Kong | [email protected] | 648-457-7785 |
235 | Reba Goyette | 36008 Makenzie Extension | Lake Bobbieton | United Arab Emirates | [email protected] | (708) 940-5263 |
236 | Dedrick Dietrich | 87354 Kling Extensions | Port Lila | Malawi | [email protected] | 857-397-0406 x1992 |
237 | Michale Wiegand | 16723 Stanley Inlet | North Jovaniburgh | Virgin Islands, U.S. | [email protected] | 1-915-308-6331 |
238 | Alice Torphy | 8413 Johnson Common | Clarastad | Andorra | [email protected] | 1-711-510-1318 x51214 |
239 | Idella Bode | 60710 Blanda Wells | Port Margaret | Puerto Rico | [email protected] | 1-575-859-7164 |
240 | Jamarcus Schumm | 756 Kunde Junctions | West Kenyatta | Belize | [email protected] | (336) 712-5643 x649 |