This example shows the basic usage of the PagingTagHelper with a model. It also disables the HTMX functionality and uses the Javascript snippet to handle the paging.
Id | Name | Address | City | Country | Phone | |
221 | Gaston Towne | 34987 Gwen Green | Lake Lucasfort | Sierra Leone | [email protected] | 406.703.8297 |
222 | Harrison Skiles | 462 Lester Shores | Alfredburgh | Seychelles | [email protected] | 1-945-862-5831 x6225 |
223 | Samir Casper | 2986 Stephanie Prairie | West Taurean | Jamaica | [email protected] | 1-394-249-0061 |
224 | Iva Ledner | 028 Larkin Summit | Wymanmouth | Bhutan | [email protected] | 1-207-331-8942 x97643 |
225 | Trent Konopelski | 04390 Shaun Gateway | Gerlachmouth | Rwanda | [email protected] | 303-380-4448 x884 |
226 | Kristoffer Kreiger | 182 Amani Lights | Lake Berylshire | Hungary | [email protected] | 244.884.9569 |
227 | Melvina Heidenreich | 40342 Bradly Summit | West Hilmafurt | Sao Tome and Principe | [email protected] | 1-201-956-9182 x990 |
228 | Oma Huel | 39570 Lemke Islands | Arloton | Ghana | [email protected] | 697-459-4615 x19938 |
229 | Belle Kertzmann | 93823 Eva Village | Daphneychester | Estonia | [email protected] | 242-749-9621 |
230 | Deontae Heidenreich | 3584 Adelle Crossroad | Lake Tatum | Cameroon | [email protected] | 957.618.9596 x9785 |