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This example shows the basic usage of the PagingTagHelper with a model. It also disables the HTMX functionality and uses the Javascript snippet to handle the paging.

Id Name Address City Country Email Phone
221 Gaston Towne 34987 Gwen Green Lake Lucasfort Sierra Leone [email protected] 406.703.8297
222 Harrison Skiles 462 Lester Shores Alfredburgh Seychelles [email protected] 1-945-862-5831 x6225
223 Samir Casper 2986 Stephanie Prairie West Taurean Jamaica [email protected] 1-394-249-0061
224 Iva Ledner 028 Larkin Summit Wymanmouth Bhutan [email protected] 1-207-331-8942 x97643
225 Trent Konopelski 04390 Shaun Gateway Gerlachmouth Rwanda [email protected] 303-380-4448 x884
226 Kristoffer Kreiger 182 Amani Lights Lake Berylshire Hungary [email protected] 244.884.9569
227 Melvina Heidenreich 40342 Bradly Summit West Hilmafurt Sao Tome and Principe [email protected] 1-201-956-9182 x990
228 Oma Huel 39570 Lemke Islands Arloton Ghana [email protected] 697-459-4615 x19938
229 Belle Kertzmann 93823 Eva Village Daphneychester Estonia [email protected] 242-749-9621
230 Deontae Heidenreich 3584 Adelle Crossroad Lake Tatum Cameroon [email protected] 957.618.9596 x9785