This example shows the basic usage of the PagingTagHelper with a model. It also disables the HTMX functionality and uses the Javascript snippet to handle the paging.
Id | Name | Address | City | Country | Phone | |
211 | Mitchel Pfeffer | 6668 Melody Isle | Borerton | Saint Helena | [email protected] | 1-642-507-2403 |
212 | Betsy Dooley | 4866 Al Port | East Stephon | Wallis and Futuna | [email protected] | 1-733-529-5254 |
213 | Kaci Lesch | 120 Bauch Hill | Noemyfort | Saint Pierre and Miquelon | [email protected] | (804) 898-3661 x598 |
214 | Orval VonRueden | 096 Raoul Tunnel | South Martinaside | Pitcairn Islands | [email protected] | (385) 895-5641 x2765 |
215 | Christa Rodriguez | 9080 Erin Curve | Dachside | Pitcairn Islands | [email protected] | 981.507.7495 x3078 |
216 | Marcella Adams | 59235 Prohaska Cliff | New Rickey | Guinea | [email protected] | 392.926.9142 |
217 | Darrell Harber | 59978 Williamson Way | New Gustave | United States of America | [email protected] | (784) 859-3209 x77845 |
218 | Catalina Towne | 39920 Destin Hills | Baileyfort | Lao People's Democratic Republic | [email protected] | 384-934-3258 |
219 | Lindsay Johnson | 354 Martina Road | Genesistown | Gabon | [email protected] | (309) 921-5912 |
220 | Amelie McLaughlin | 58897 Modesto Glens | Jacquesborough | Jordan | [email protected] | (516) 264-5557 x04910 |