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This example shows the basic usage of the PagingTagHelper with a model. It also disables the HTMX functionality and uses the Javascript snippet to handle the paging.

Id Name Address City Country Email Phone
201 Brice Jast 32899 Darron Islands Cheyenneview Faroe Islands [email protected] (339) 941-7106 x90750
202 Heloise Hansen 40776 Edgardo Estates Port Raeton Iraq [email protected] 988-793-1249 x0428
203 Cary Jones 79454 Pasquale Shoal Port Angie Uganda [email protected] 245.845.1216 x7645
204 Rachael Tillman 700 Torphy Trail Durganport Guinea-Bissau [email protected] (594) 727-7190
205 Conor Volkman 9625 Howe Ports West Americamouth Virgin Islands, U.S. [email protected] 591-679-9852
206 Devonte Mills 579 Suzanne Harbor Port Garry Kazakhstan [email protected] 969-336-7389 x35544
207 Krystal Corwin 020 Aurelio Dam Lake Connorland Pitcairn Islands [email protected] (552) 773-7711 x14748
208 Jaeden Becker 30095 Mylene Squares Lake Zachariahfort Central African Republic [email protected] (381) 767-9108 x23413
209 Miguel Pfannerstill 05311 Karli Fall East Marielaland Tokelau [email protected] 932-604-2972 x8107
210 Estefania Murphy 92242 Russel Knolls Port Mathilde Somalia [email protected] (505) 409-4766