This example shows the basic usage of the PagingTagHelper with a model. It also disables the HTMX functionality and uses the Javascript snippet to handle the paging.
Id | Name | Address | City | Country | Phone | |
11 | Cordie Klein | 724 Blanche Court | Lake Annamae | Eritrea | [email protected] | 742-455-1313 |
12 | Shayna Turcotte | 5004 Barrows Forks | Lake Teaganton | Bulgaria | [email protected] | 1-877-727-7733 x3040 |
13 | Salma Raynor | 79899 Bernardo Overpass | East Rosanna | Namibia | [email protected] | 401-698-4722 |
14 | Abdullah Berge | 106 Rippin Hills | Christinefurt | Anguilla | [email protected] | 1-893-320-7855 x58219 |
15 | Natalie Nitzsche | 46633 Schumm Inlet | Lloydtown | Bahrain | [email protected] | 1-886-454-9872 x3681 |
16 | Noelia Nicolas | 2773 Kraig Centers | Port Blancafort | Cambodia | [email protected] | 369-733-6550 x132 |
17 | Bettye Lynch | 203 Schneider Points | Bonnieton | Cote d'Ivoire | [email protected] | 1-673-561-8705 x3271 |
18 | Nathanael Weber | 8273 Oswaldo Isle | Botsfordberg | Lebanon | [email protected] | 1-878-226-4886 |
19 | Demarcus Wuckert | 0681 Rath Creek | Gulgowskihaven | Belgium | [email protected] | 1-930-442-9312 x2818 |
20 | Trace Murazik | 040 Schuster Hollow | Jailynberg | Ecuador | [email protected] | 1-410-409-3822 |