This example shows the basic usage of the PagingTagHelper with a model. It also disables the HTMX functionality and uses the Javascript snippet to handle the paging.
Id | Name | Address | City | Country | Phone | |
181 | Mac Carter | 6817 Laurie Walks | East Lillie | Panama | [email protected] | 1-308-214-0711 x146 |
182 | Estefania Maggio | 6180 Luis Inlet | Reichelhaven | Benin | [email protected] | (397) 708-6397 x43313 |
183 | Robyn Rosenbaum | 6926 Cronin Crossroad | West Joelleside | Djibouti | [email protected] | 804-305-8394 x823 |
184 | Dakota Huel | 101 Strosin Hill | South Donna | Monaco | [email protected] | (614) 299-1408 x3708 |
185 | Elisha Upton | 4585 Darrell Canyon | Johnsontown | Indonesia | [email protected] | 1-395-776-6404 |
186 | Branson Heidenreich | 38776 Chris Gateway | Port Jordiland | Oman | [email protected] | 879.962.3094 |
187 | Walker Kuphal | 749 Maxwell Forges | Michelebury | Grenada | [email protected] | 863.321.0990 x59621 |
188 | Bonnie Balistreri | 50228 Bergnaum Road | East Courtney | Mongolia | [email protected] | (462) 601-2100 x2817 |
189 | Aryanna Murphy | 946 Leuschke Expressway | West Jayceburgh | Togo | [email protected] | 1-759-613-7133 |
190 | Clemens Hand | 5965 Gisselle Lodge | Kyraport | New Zealand | [email protected] | 843-951-8993 x35156 |