This example shows the basic usage of the PagingTagHelper with a model. It also disables the HTMX functionality and uses the Javascript snippet to handle the paging.
Id | Name | Address | City | Country | Phone | |
171 | Maegan Ryan | 4934 Krista Via | Paulfurt | Bahamas | [email protected] | 1-238-255-0543 x793 |
172 | Tate Botsford | 101 Kihn Haven | Lorenaside | Chile | [email protected] | 1-643-859-9251 x943 |
173 | Gino Schinner | 892 Leta Shoals | East Oswaldo | Heard Island and McDonald Islands | [email protected] | 984.309.9566 |
174 | Amy Rowe | 6012 Carter Keys | West Erik | Honduras | [email protected] | 1-934-759-1334 x297 |
175 | Rosalee Tromp | 8395 Gleichner Spurs | New Sarinaborough | French Polynesia | [email protected] | 866.256.4237 x81111 |
176 | Cayla Blanda | 3240 Shania Mews | Port Genoveva | Iraq | [email protected] | 933.544.2225 x92921 |
177 | Kaitlin Beahan | 6294 Enoch Cliffs | Cummingsberg | Bouvet Island (Bouvetoya) | [email protected] | (503) 939-3783 |
178 | Shaun Muller | 974 Mayra View | Darefurt | Trinidad and Tobago | [email protected] | 835-494-5866 |
179 | Harvey Luettgen | 227 London Lights | Hermantown | Turkey | [email protected] | 880-309-9215 |
180 | Jermain Botsford | 55808 Turner Crossroad | North Hortense | Bhutan | [email protected] | (495) 325-2236 x535 |