This example shows the basic usage of the PagingTagHelper with a model. It also disables the HTMX functionality and uses the Javascript snippet to handle the paging.
Id | Name | Address | City | Country | Phone | |
151 | Macie Metz | 95413 Parker Track | East Eddtown | Australia | [email protected] | 465.322.9999 x643 |
152 | Estelle Satterfield | 30423 Wilkinson Alley | New Stephanshire | Guadeloupe | [email protected] | 1-200-819-0784 x3322 |
153 | Arnoldo Wunsch | 77564 Ward Loaf | Bahringerstad | Azerbaijan | [email protected] | 927-566-0602 x7349 |
154 | Gavin Herzog | 93155 Schuppe Rapid | Corwinside | Netherlands | [email protected] | 388.803.6977 x513 |
155 | Trisha Stoltenberg | 683 Ullrich Highway | North Missouriview | Russian Federation | [email protected] | 733.742.6850 x3790 |
156 | Javon Johns | 7611 Pacocha Turnpike | North Alejandra | Philippines | [email protected] | 567.871.5879 |
157 | Forest Johnston | 88191 Vandervort Parkways | Corrinefort | Iraq | [email protected] | 892.805.4373 |
158 | Augustine Wisozk | 317 McClure Fords | Augustusmouth | Syrian Arab Republic | [email protected] | 1-638-650-5312 x01538 |
159 | Irma Wiegand | 446 Alessandro Valley | Ullrichchester | Mozambique | [email protected] | 1-283-408-6131 |
160 | Hulda Blick | 065 Glenna Ville | Bernhardville | Cayman Islands | [email protected] | 685.644.4694 |