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This example shows the basic usage of the PagingTagHelper with a model. It also disables the HTMX functionality and uses the Javascript snippet to handle the paging.

Id Name Address City Country Email Phone
151 Gavin Schiller 4389 Winfield Lock New Blaze Lesotho [email protected] 1-746-337-8413 x36381
152 Clarissa Streich 610 Lueilwitz Bridge Laurynburgh Lao People's Democratic Republic [email protected] (723) 418-8827 x8050
153 Enola Legros 64729 Herminia Ports Wintheiserton Argentina [email protected] 840-362-7315 x66036
154 Trystan Sanford 5036 Gaetano Grove Kenfort Spain [email protected] (612) 655-5094 x180
155 Erika Becker 439 Pagac Divide Lake Cliffordmouth Romania [email protected] 204.339.6669 x307
156 Courtney Olson 6090 Davis Pines New Emanuelton Japan [email protected] 348.697.2956
157 Ramona Strosin 1351 Mose Burgs Aniyahaven New Zealand [email protected] (883) 656-5688 x5440
158 London Kilback 620 Kaleigh Path South Carmelchester Vanuatu [email protected] (831) 255-5176 x690
159 Chadrick Gibson 481 Simeon Locks West Jonasburgh Niue [email protected] 574.925.9511 x757
160 Osborne Wilkinson 13686 Derick Fall Hicklebury Kuwait [email protected] 603.890.0602