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This example shows the basic usage of the PagingTagHelper with a model. It also disables the HTMX functionality and uses the Javascript snippet to handle the paging.

Id Name Address City Country Email Phone
141 Jazlyn Swaniawski 51288 Zulauf Estates Lake Camylle Timor-Leste Bill29@hotmail.com (915) 858-2212 x20517
142 Jonathan Kutch 05326 Kuphal Rue South Claudineborough Reunion Elliot57@hotmail.com 1-665-365-2113
143 Elroy Swift 17669 Brielle Vista Howellborough Andorra Hope_Dach32@gmail.com 424.422.3056
144 Finn Monahan 7932 Beatty Spring Jadynside Spain Lyda_Pfannerstill@hotmail.com 676-278-2143 x2141
145 Okey Wisozk 7710 Stroman Prairie Port Kennedy Comoros Marshall46@hotmail.com 1-522-227-7949
146 Jazmyn Gleason 96800 Kareem Radial Emmerichhaven Barbados Timmothy.Dach@hotmail.com 1-682-322-0145 x4012
147 Cristopher Kreiger 437 Jacques Parkways East Aryanna Svalbard & Jan Mayen Islands Ottis_Fay@hotmail.com 1-882-304-3160 x441
148 Talia Donnelly 358 Wilfrid Lake South Viola Benin Dawn.Jast@hotmail.com 1-828-916-4479
149 Lesly Zboncak 483 Gonzalo Locks Brownfurt Grenada Pansy85@yahoo.com 573.335.7236
150 Rodger Rowe 2325 Julien Manors Port Hyman Uruguay Gillian.Rempel29@yahoo.com 1-438-586-7869 x9506