This example shows the basic usage of the PagingTagHelper with a model. It also disables the HTMX functionality and uses the Javascript snippet to handle the paging.
Id | Name | Address | City | Country | Phone | |
131 | Cindy Brekke | 6854 Nathen Harbor | New Roger | Sudan | [email protected] | (843) 356-3947 x16097 |
132 | Julia Stanton | 7089 Bruen Walk | Schaefertown | Colombia | [email protected] | 1-856-243-9299 |
133 | Alfred McClure | 1699 Landen Fields | Welchport | Swaziland | [email protected] | 963-598-0817 x9055 |
134 | Jazmin Gleason | 879 Bernie Fords | Armstrongville | Bolivia | [email protected] | 1-559-261-7554 x601 |
135 | Nash Smitham | 013 Jolie Parkway | Whitefort | San Marino | [email protected] | 594.301.0836 |
136 | Tara Rosenbaum | 2968 Bednar Rue | South Tonitown | Bolivia | [email protected] | 272-784-1761 x13593 |
137 | Bart Williamson | 7211 Thompson Causeway | East Chelsea | Svalbard & Jan Mayen Islands | [email protected] | 722-435-3381 |
138 | Sigrid Schultz | 89332 O'Keefe Lodge | Bergehaven | Lebanon | [email protected] | 282-270-7285 x51607 |
139 | Diego Bogisich | 3935 Gislason Estates | Lake Malvina | Switzerland | [email protected] | 1-938-702-7876 |
140 | Daniela Gutmann | 48128 Dave Parks | Koelpinborough | Norfolk Island | [email protected] | 633-903-6792 |