This example shows the basic usage of the PagingTagHelper with a model. It also disables the HTMX functionality and uses the Javascript snippet to handle the paging.
Id | Name | Address | City | Country | Phone | |
121 | Mittie Hegmann | 999 Green Well | Lake Fionaton | Wallis and Futuna | [email protected] | 564-773-4901 |
122 | Myron Connelly | 0501 Thomas Forest | West Summer | Malaysia | [email protected] | 830.808.4875 x7408 |
123 | Nellie Stroman | 71799 Lueilwitz Port | Jaskolskifort | Saint Martin | [email protected] | 424-495-0007 x684 |
124 | Salma Runte | 295 Shawna Walk | Wilkinsonland | Panama | [email protected] | 993.553.1427 |
125 | Joyce Lakin | 901 Clotilde Circles | Casimerbury | Pitcairn Islands | [email protected] | 774-948-6948 x093 |
126 | Dusty Orn | 9768 Reynolds Forks | Port Florencemouth | Guam | [email protected] | 665.894.9340 x7122 |
127 | Kobe Howell | 59761 Walter Manor | Fisherburgh | Sri Lanka | [email protected] | 761.880.6086 |
128 | Trisha Stroman | 728 Okey Prairie | Roxanneberg | Zimbabwe | [email protected] | (840) 762-1182 x971 |
129 | River Jacobs | 22170 Percy Summit | Rutherfordview | Nicaragua | [email protected] | (768) 780-9596 x6613 |
130 | Alta Adams | 93708 Kayla Fork | Kerluketon | Saudi Arabia | [email protected] | 764.440.1138 x647 |