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This example shows the basic usage of the PagingTagHelper with a model. It also disables the HTMX functionality and uses the Javascript snippet to handle the paging.

Id Name Address City Country Email Phone
121 Mittie Hegmann 999 Green Well Lake Fionaton Wallis and Futuna [email protected] 564-773-4901
122 Myron Connelly 0501 Thomas Forest West Summer Malaysia [email protected] 830.808.4875 x7408
123 Nellie Stroman 71799 Lueilwitz Port Jaskolskifort Saint Martin [email protected] 424-495-0007 x684
124 Salma Runte 295 Shawna Walk Wilkinsonland Panama [email protected] 993.553.1427
125 Joyce Lakin 901 Clotilde Circles Casimerbury Pitcairn Islands [email protected] 774-948-6948 x093
126 Dusty Orn 9768 Reynolds Forks Port Florencemouth Guam [email protected] 665.894.9340 x7122
127 Kobe Howell 59761 Walter Manor Fisherburgh Sri Lanka [email protected] 761.880.6086
128 Trisha Stroman 728 Okey Prairie Roxanneberg Zimbabwe [email protected] (840) 762-1182 x971
129 River Jacobs 22170 Percy Summit Rutherfordview Nicaragua [email protected] (768) 780-9596 x6613
130 Alta Adams 93708 Kayla Fork Kerluketon Saudi Arabia [email protected] 764.440.1138 x647