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This example shows the basic usage of the PagingTagHelper with a model. It also disables the HTMX functionality and uses the Javascript snippet to handle the paging.

Id Name Address City Country Email Phone
121 Hiram Wilderman 06338 Grace Rue Lindton Isle of Man [email protected] (937) 877-8195 x1098
122 Malika Macejkovic 87040 Balistreri Forges Lake Taya Singapore [email protected] 330.437.4359
123 D'angelo Schmitt 51658 Feil Shores Wintheiserburgh Tanzania [email protected] 700.910.6103 x4500
124 Jaida Kohler 77117 Erdman Tunnel Granthaven Guam [email protected] (996) 554-1359
125 Grady Gleichner 07983 Abigayle Station South Leopold Reunion [email protected] 700-562-7051 x682
126 Rasheed Kub 4948 Tianna Plaza East Tanya Jersey [email protected] 948.455.7321
127 Cameron Green 8454 Weldon Park Sporerville Qatar [email protected] 736-321-5302 x35445
128 Gerry Runolfsson 651 Luz Lodge Lake Bulahtown France [email protected] 462.678.9709 x09681
129 Effie Conroy 5787 Schroeder Street Adanview Gambia [email protected] (990) 924-1128
130 Willy Lowe 813 Wehner Hollow Robertsbury Nicaragua [email protected] (424) 280-8434 x81824