This example shows the basic usage of the PagingTagHelper with a model. It also disables the HTMX functionality and uses the Javascript snippet to handle the paging.
Id | Name | Address | City | Country | Phone | |
111 | Freeman Ebert | 2130 Lubowitz Falls | Rauport | Falkland Islands (Malvinas) | [email protected] | (589) 563-0972 |
112 | Chester McCullough | 7892 Stracke Court | Port Marjorystad | Norway | [email protected] | 571.715.2732 x8306 |
113 | Maverick Jaskolski | 0575 Corwin Rapid | Gottliebland | Uzbekistan | [email protected] | 1-854-768-8148 |
114 | Ethan Terry | 618 Sean Ferry | South Julio | Djibouti | [email protected] | 504.745.7983 |
115 | Kayleigh Kohler | 8655 Jenkins Meadows | Littleview | Bangladesh | [email protected] | 1-561-275-6298 x59800 |
116 | Arno Goodwin | 5554 Barrows Cliff | South Godfreyton | Gambia | [email protected] | 696-576-4320 |
117 | Laverne Carter | 8981 Kailyn Neck | Powlowskiburgh | Guernsey | [email protected] | (870) 791-3911 x6717 |
118 | Coty Schowalter | 18310 Dorian Hollow | Port Lisa | Kazakhstan | [email protected] | 594.584.7949 x33788 |
119 | Katelin Thiel | 251 Hane Parkways | West Filibertotown | Algeria | [email protected] | (953) 696-7221 x43985 |
120 | Frederik Jacobs | 56801 Ramiro Extensions | East Kaylie | Qatar | [email protected] | 1-421-578-2874 x55400 |