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This example shows the basic usage of the PagingTagHelper with a model. It also disables the HTMX functionality and uses the Javascript snippet to handle the paging.

Id Name Address City Country Email Phone
111 Freeman Ebert 2130 Lubowitz Falls Rauport Falkland Islands (Malvinas) [email protected] (589) 563-0972
112 Chester McCullough 7892 Stracke Court Port Marjorystad Norway [email protected] 571.715.2732 x8306
113 Maverick Jaskolski 0575 Corwin Rapid Gottliebland Uzbekistan [email protected] 1-854-768-8148
114 Ethan Terry 618 Sean Ferry South Julio Djibouti [email protected] 504.745.7983
115 Kayleigh Kohler 8655 Jenkins Meadows Littleview Bangladesh [email protected] 1-561-275-6298 x59800
116 Arno Goodwin 5554 Barrows Cliff South Godfreyton Gambia [email protected] 696-576-4320
117 Laverne Carter 8981 Kailyn Neck Powlowskiburgh Guernsey [email protected] (870) 791-3911 x6717
118 Coty Schowalter 18310 Dorian Hollow Port Lisa Kazakhstan [email protected] 594.584.7949 x33788
119 Katelin Thiel 251 Hane Parkways West Filibertotown Algeria [email protected] (953) 696-7221 x43985
120 Frederik Jacobs 56801 Ramiro Extensions East Kaylie Qatar [email protected] 1-421-578-2874 x55400