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This example shows the basic usage of the PagingTagHelper with a model. It also disables the HTMX functionality and uses the Javascript snippet to handle the paging.

Id Name Address City Country Email Phone
101 Una Lehner 2303 Little Causeway New Turner Paraguay [email protected] 695-795-0071
102 Sally Brekke 4324 Bart Ways Kingborough Nepal [email protected] (233) 466-1309 x1150
103 Julianne Mosciski 405 Clyde Springs Elainashire Romania [email protected] 754.905.0049 x5288
104 Ethyl Zulauf 024 Littel Rest Lake Lempiburgh Switzerland [email protected] 965-241-7952
105 Ariel VonRueden 317 Joelle Crest Sporerchester Bahrain [email protected] (589) 321-1450
106 Jeramie Fritsch 767 Schmitt Harbors Langland Portugal [email protected] 642.902.2928
107 Rosamond Sanford 5418 Schmidt Fort East Ellaland Saint Pierre and Miquelon [email protected] (808) 981-5410 x16754
108 Zion Tillman 533 Durward Groves Emmerichchester Switzerland [email protected] 1-533-857-8844
109 Jude Wintheiser 455 Trinity Corner Cristberg French Polynesia [email protected] 1-677-767-4415 x13532
110 Earnestine Tillman 607 Stacey Greens Jacobsonhaven Chile [email protected] 833.364.9415 x4859