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This example shows the basic usage of the PagingTagHelper with a model. It also disables the HTMX functionality and uses the Javascript snippet to handle the paging.

Id Name Address City Country Email Phone
91 Samanta Adams 119 Balistreri Crest Antwonberg Saint Kitts and Nevis [email protected] 1-760-478-4853
92 Garrison Stroman 350 Macejkovic Track Stonemouth Vietnam [email protected] 712.369.3120 x1182
93 Horacio Casper 05271 Gladyce Mountain West Vestaborough Dominica [email protected] 377-718-2351
94 Ariel Erdman 85405 Lind Hill Windlerberg Netherlands Antilles [email protected] (289) 769-8029
95 Asha Langosh 75281 Greenfelder Parks Braunmouth Turks and Caicos Islands [email protected] 607.502.3511 x4241
96 Darrick Rogahn 137 Easter Glen New Polly Ecuador [email protected] 808.646.7937 x14216
97 Katharina Wintheiser 160 Sincere Extensions Chasefort Tunisia [email protected] 1-257-911-8752
98 Katheryn Mueller 29062 Boehm Manors Juliemouth Venezuela [email protected] (277) 789-9789
99 Hollie Gutkowski 0620 Lorine Viaduct West Linwoodhaven American Samoa [email protected] 538-954-4334 x2809
100 Abraham Ziemann 074 Stroman Tunnel New Hailieville Denmark [email protected] 950.206.2322 x14116