This example shows the basic usage of the PagingTagHelper with a model. It also disables the HTMX functionality and uses the Javascript snippet to handle the paging.
Id | Name | Address | City | Country | Phone | |
91 | Samanta Adams | 119 Balistreri Crest | Antwonberg | Saint Kitts and Nevis | [email protected] | 1-760-478-4853 |
92 | Garrison Stroman | 350 Macejkovic Track | Stonemouth | Vietnam | [email protected] | 712.369.3120 x1182 |
93 | Horacio Casper | 05271 Gladyce Mountain | West Vestaborough | Dominica | [email protected] | 377-718-2351 |
94 | Ariel Erdman | 85405 Lind Hill | Windlerberg | Netherlands Antilles | [email protected] | (289) 769-8029 |
95 | Asha Langosh | 75281 Greenfelder Parks | Braunmouth | Turks and Caicos Islands | [email protected] | 607.502.3511 x4241 |
96 | Darrick Rogahn | 137 Easter Glen | New Polly | Ecuador | [email protected] | 808.646.7937 x14216 |
97 | Katharina Wintheiser | 160 Sincere Extensions | Chasefort | Tunisia | [email protected] | 1-257-911-8752 |
98 | Katheryn Mueller | 29062 Boehm Manors | Juliemouth | Venezuela | [email protected] | (277) 789-9789 |
99 | Hollie Gutkowski | 0620 Lorine Viaduct | West Linwoodhaven | American Samoa | [email protected] | 538-954-4334 x2809 |
100 | Abraham Ziemann | 074 Stroman Tunnel | New Hailieville | Denmark | [email protected] | 950.206.2322 x14116 |