This example shows the basic usage of the PagingTagHelper with a model. It also disables the HTMX functionality and uses the Javascript snippet to handle the paging.
Id | Name | Address | City | Country | Phone | |
1 | Maxime Oberbrunner | 057 Halvorson Flat | Welchberg | Madagascar | [email protected] | 1-689-736-3008 |
2 | Orville Wehner | 764 Willie Expressway | Lake Trishaberg | Sri Lanka | [email protected] | 239-473-3478 x24615 |
3 | Mose Zboncak | 75358 Yost Union | Arnomouth | Lao People's Democratic Republic | [email protected] | (989) 361-7150 x05115 |
4 | Jammie Graham | 9001 Zakary Club | Rafaelport | Spain | [email protected] | 1-585-934-7546 |
5 | Jada Jaskolski | 982 Francisco Land | Leliafurt | Anguilla | [email protected] | 355.444.3103 x0605 |
6 | Kenna Schmitt | 736 Jacinto Mountains | Lake Biankamouth | Mali | [email protected] | 1-903-299-8883 x6184 |
7 | Charlene Schiller | 3898 Bashirian Ferry | Vicenteland | Saint Barthelemy | [email protected] | (438) 958-7990 |
8 | Antonina Mante | 261 Corwin Avenue | Houstonshire | Afghanistan | [email protected] | 1-427-976-9509 x172 |
9 | Isobel Welch | 64621 Rowe Rapid | Johnsfort | Saint Helena | [email protected] | 571-208-4733 x76424 |
10 | Margaretta Turcotte | 2348 Roberts Brooks | Lake Marceloborough | Bahrain | [email protected] | 215.955.2710 x07963 |