
This example shows the basic usage of the PagingTagHelper with a model. It also disables the HTMX functionality and uses the Javascript snippet to handle the paging.

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Page 9 of 26 (Total items: 256)
Id Name Address City Country Email Phone
81 Dorris Keeling 1695 Toy Garden Magdalenashire Nepal [email protected] (777) 698-0233
82 Elyssa Daugherty 074 Kilback Stream North Joeltown United Arab Emirates [email protected] 1-224-368-3930 x7875
83 Vicenta Johns 224 Rachael Inlet Littleshire Tonga [email protected] 757.375.0487 x5691
84 Tessie Cummings 80015 Grant Fork Ashleemouth Kiribati [email protected] (924) 267-5050
85 Salvador Bode 91012 Prohaska Isle South Darleneberg Canada [email protected] 1-362-515-7924
86 Odie Ernser 52351 Michaela Canyon Lowemouth Montserrat [email protected] 457-659-8606
87 Anahi Sipes 84868 Korbin Place North Lou Timor-Leste [email protected] 335-874-2262
88 Cierra Erdman 0668 Chaim Pine Desmondview Maldives [email protected] 866-797-8442 x9629
89 Emerson Bauch 949 Danielle Springs Arthaven Saint Pierre and Miquelon [email protected] (712) 974-0647 x11317
90 Stephanie Boehm 69048 Hanna Key Terryville Equatorial Guinea [email protected] 371-985-0357 x410