This example shows the basic usage of the PagingTagHelper with a model. It also disables the HTMX functionality and uses the Javascript snippet to handle the paging.
Id | Name | Address | City | Country | Phone | |
61 | Jena Swaniawski | 6609 Wiegand Road | Lake Stacey | Guinea-Bissau | [email protected] | 1-699-724-5872 x082 |
62 | Cornell Price | 68425 Robel Isle | Schowalterhaven | Palestinian Territory | [email protected] | 236.386.7170 x50142 |
63 | Matilde Jacobi | 542 Nienow Overpass | Howeshire | Estonia | [email protected] | 721-684-1649 x370 |
64 | Kendrick Kuphal | 5644 Camylle Orchard | Ilianaport | Papua New Guinea | [email protected] | 1-986-687-4615 x9889 |
65 | Nasir Waters | 5065 Gleichner Mountains | Lowehaven | Barbados | [email protected] | 1-615-378-4685 x6654 |
66 | Patricia Boehm | 92319 Smith Lights | South Moriahport | Mexico | [email protected] | 1-266-822-9395 x189 |
67 | Sammy Durgan | 91772 Sabryna Springs | Port Theashire | Saint Martin | [email protected] | (233) 915-1137 |
68 | Miguel Ward | 52735 Koss Stravenue | Gaylordview | Moldova | [email protected] | 830.805.3264 |
69 | Ransom Gleichner | 34347 Rice Expressway | Meaganborough | Barbados | [email protected] | 1-305-740-0591 x6927 |
70 | Yasmeen Kutch | 7125 Price Cove | East Terrellton | Italy | [email protected] | (499) 405-5627 x50305 |