
This example shows the basic usage of the PagingTagHelper with a model. It also disables the HTMX functionality and uses the Javascript snippet to handle the paging.

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Page 5 of 26 (Total items: 256)
Id Name Address City Country Email Phone
41 Tyshawn Lang 83869 Mertz Shoals Bartonhaven San Marino [email protected] 1-912-507-2587 x523
42 Elyssa O'Keefe 8830 Elna Fork Cruickshankhaven Uruguay [email protected] 1-253-891-2737
43 Moshe Carter 87749 Kristian Inlet New Kay South Africa [email protected] 598.595.0607 x13584
44 Hilton Bayer 338 Smitham Loop Virgilton Russian Federation [email protected] 358.745.8694 x02701
45 Payton Shields 77266 Fredy Bypass New Cassie Ethiopia [email protected] 1-370-346-3797 x98143
46 Allan Little 5321 Pouros Mill Olinchester Dominica [email protected] 487-918-0094 x332
47 Horace Price 14804 Heaney View Lake Elmer Svalbard & Jan Mayen Islands [email protected] 1-515-289-4890
48 Laney Boehm 5067 Batz Mountains Joshuahtown Gambia [email protected] (617) 937-2909
49 Weldon Braun 739 Andreane Lights North Tyree Saudi Arabia [email protected] 994-567-9844
50 Ellsworth Streich 65257 Shayne Plains Balistreriville Namibia [email protected] 1-614-458-3389 x3238