
This example shows the basic usage of the PagingTagHelper with a model. It also disables the HTMX functionality and uses the Javascript snippet to handle the paging.

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Page 25 of 26 (Total items: 256)
Id Name Address City Country Email Phone
241 Blake Kilback 08176 Schinner Plains West Carymouth Bangladesh [email protected] (557) 621-7065
242 Golda Thiel 35846 Gorczany Alley Willbury Pitcairn Islands [email protected] (907) 405-8810 x187
243 Brandy Jakubowski 23203 Swaniawski Harbor West Coralie Norway [email protected] 415-723-0606 x068
244 Keyon Doyle 5991 Stroman Walks North Marilyne Hungary [email protected] 740-325-7633 x9064
245 Viva Dicki 9516 Greenfelder Point Bradfordberg Niger [email protected] 585-379-0087
246 Adolfo Lowe 8294 Keeling Streets Port Chynaburgh Sao Tome and Principe [email protected] (520) 739-1949
247 Lavon Pouros 672 O'Connell Ports Leonortown French Polynesia [email protected] 925-614-1621 x7162
248 Vena Upton 946 Ritchie Glen Frederiquefort Finland [email protected] 426-369-1781
249 Tianna Armstrong 1361 Purdy Pike Lake Augustusview British Indian Ocean Territory (Chagos Archipelago) [email protected] 1-472-494-0727 x327
250 Angelica Collier 53840 George Crossroad Hackettport Marshall Islands [email protected] 867.290.1120 x504