
This example shows the basic usage of the PagingTagHelper with a model. It also disables the HTMX functionality and uses the Javascript snippet to handle the paging.

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Page 24 of 26 (Total items: 256)
Id Name Address City Country Email Phone
231 Devon Leuschke 53645 Moen Glens South Lukas Angola [email protected] 721-909-7008 x2063
232 Gussie Bergnaum 44725 Turner Port Kuhnmouth Tunisia [email protected] 1-408-937-7649 x4406
233 Rae Heidenreich 4594 Bessie Wall Lake Kim Monaco [email protected] 597.817.3994
234 Melany Jacobson 242 Brooklyn Mill New Natfurt Jordan [email protected] 204.680.8562
235 Myriam Schowalter 467 Shields Shoal New Alysson Congo [email protected] (960) 310-5799 x218
236 Emery Lockman 6113 Hortense Rest Port Hosea Serbia [email protected] 655.622.2929
237 Toney Ruecker 12864 Fisher Pine Port Reyestown Uganda [email protected] 531.493.0659
238 Demond Sawayn 018 Genesis Ramp Boyertown Spain [email protected] 674-202-4734
239 Alexandra Gutmann 023 Dina Stravenue Lake Erynville Cape Verde [email protected] 881-256-5119 x879
240 Garett Marquardt 174 Quigley Neck Greenholtshire Andorra [email protected] (762) 614-3292 x5242