
This example shows the basic usage of the PagingTagHelper with a model. It also disables the HTMX functionality and uses the Javascript snippet to handle the paging.

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Page 23 of 26 (Total items: 256)
Id Name Address City Country Email Phone
221 Duane Kirlin 942 Mante Lane Lakinborough Micronesia [email protected] 383.312.7905
222 Carissa Jacobi 83725 Ronny Drives Rutherfordside Ghana [email protected] 535.361.0052 x3352
223 Hassie Konopelski 31144 Josephine Mountain Alvertamouth Netherlands Antilles [email protected] 789.609.3457
224 Kyla Quigley 80670 Medhurst Greens East Julianshire South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands [email protected] 903-490-9024 x6632
225 Santino O'Kon 0922 Melyna Village Leannonside San Marino [email protected] (901) 365-3013 x0784
226 Lorenz Spencer 5118 Fletcher Ferry Nitzschefurt Finland [email protected] 389.471.7304 x678
227 Johnpaul Renner 469 Kaden Road Lake Kylamouth Tunisia [email protected] 1-720-356-4292
228 Delbert Satterfield 71969 Ignatius Road Niafort Ireland [email protected] 1-849-824-2721
229 Taurean Gerlach 06309 Simonis Bridge Lake Osborneview Antigua and Barbuda [email protected] 351.883.4781 x7932
230 Carmelo Balistreri 98529 Homenick Key Willieburgh Maldives [email protected] 368-716-0777 x759