This example shows the basic usage of the PagingTagHelper with a model. It also disables the HTMX functionality and uses the Javascript snippet to handle the paging.
Id | Name | Address | City | Country | Phone | |
221 | Magnolia Rogahn | 16783 Senger Coves | Jerrodside | Saint Lucia | [email protected] | 871-837-5900 |
222 | Ines Walsh | 341 Bins Mews | Lake Buckbury | Pitcairn Islands | [email protected] | 582-783-0553 |
223 | Jonas Hackett | 51660 Pacocha Extensions | West Alden | Suriname | [email protected] | 1-854-699-4249 |
224 | Kenya Effertz | 04786 Doyle Port | New Zackberg | Central African Republic | [email protected] | 490-680-2540 x9570 |
225 | Tomasa Mills | 96267 Annie Island | New Joesph | Belarus | [email protected] | 923-411-3326 x0867 |
226 | Sanford Lueilwitz | 255 Geovany Burgs | Gerlachmouth | Cayman Islands | [email protected] | 792-406-0213 x087 |
227 | Alfonzo VonRueden | 9496 Reinger Summit | Doyletown | Bolivia | [email protected] | 1-810-532-7612 |
228 | Fidel Heller | 1301 Arjun Terrace | Ashleighville | Belarus | [email protected] | 1-358-578-6601 x57509 |
229 | Lenore Kuhic | 389 Phoebe Meadows | New Cassie | Togo | [email protected] | 1-437-845-2440 |
230 | Leanne Jacobson | 3426 Runte Valleys | West Brookchester | Peru | [email protected] | (826) 383-0790 x205 |