
This example shows the basic usage of the PagingTagHelper with a model. It also disables the HTMX functionality and uses the Javascript snippet to handle the paging.

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Page 22 of 26 (Total items: 256)
Id Name Address City Country Email Phone
211 Ike Watsica 935 Rubye Cliff Reillymouth United Kingdom [email protected] 562-953-0358
212 Wanda Kuhn 3061 Zulauf Courts Port Asahaven Australia [email protected] 835-721-8384 x168
213 Ted Jacobi 41164 Koepp Springs Adamsbury Madagascar [email protected] 873.838.6797 x763
214 Pauline Kutch 2477 O'Keefe Mews Wunschbury Philippines [email protected] 208-882-4749 x893
215 Kenny Heidenreich 114 Kelsi Gateway East Donnabury Botswana [email protected] 784.266.1302 x763
216 Harold Ratke 6808 Ferry Ports West Arielshire Brazil [email protected] 765-791-9789 x6123
217 Kylee O'Reilly 2085 German Rue North Fred New Caledonia [email protected] (487) 831-6143 x80359
218 Rosemarie McDermott 22154 Marquardt Parkways Elenorastad Falkland Islands (Malvinas) [email protected] 709.895.4069 x3742
219 Bradford Moore 41517 Jerod Flats Gordonmouth Comoros [email protected] 639-810-5060
220 Devonte Koepp 3836 Greenholt Brook Kaceytown Australia [email protected] (454) 391-7172 x98844