
This example shows the basic usage of the PagingTagHelper with a model. It also disables the HTMX functionality and uses the Javascript snippet to handle the paging.

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Page 19 of 26 (Total items: 256)
Id Name Address City Country Email Phone
181 Julius Denesik 2861 Gulgowski Path Thaliaside Guinea [email protected] 504.991.4806
182 Carrie Little 95446 Ernser Via West Brain Papua New Guinea [email protected] 1-698-291-0677 x9160
183 Tessie Jacobi 458 Lavern Vista East Moriah Mauritius [email protected] (938) 228-7903
184 Sadie Dicki 651 Swaniawski Groves Jacintofurt Philippines [email protected] (903) 220-5761
185 Breana Leannon 09293 Delmer Extensions South Kendallberg Mozambique [email protected] 935.822.1176 x81190
186 Millie Braun 0195 Zoie Courts East Dashawnport Albania [email protected] 933-327-6981
187 Pascale Bartell 21438 Eulalia Loaf South Neva Tuvalu [email protected] 584.464.8812 x624
188 Vicente Mueller 38384 Reichel View South Lloydtown Tajikistan [email protected] 520.209.3135 x24090
189 Lydia Windler 523 Feest Highway East Jevon Montserrat [email protected] 1-321-892-9203 x4645
190 Norval Smitham 6462 Rachel View North Jaime Saint Lucia [email protected] (255) 261-6221 x0395