
This example shows the basic usage of the PagingTagHelper with a model. It also disables the HTMX functionality and uses the Javascript snippet to handle the paging.

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Page 18 of 26 (Total items: 256)
Id Name Address City Country Email Phone
171 Everardo Hansen 05159 Hand Stravenue Yesseniafurt Ghana Pierre_Kuhn@gmail.com (543) 203-2063
172 Amelia Hand 8614 Smitham Crest Heathcoteton Denmark Anya.Upton81@yahoo.com 288.317.6627
173 Zachariah Rolfson 310 Guillermo Mills Lake Toy Czech Republic Randy84@gmail.com 1-426-425-4103 x5143
174 Caroline Beahan 7683 Beahan Neck New Rebeca Somalia Shanel.Larson@gmail.com 472.224.1967 x0487
175 Jacky Marquardt 69507 Nicolas Plain Ardellamouth Netherlands Nestor.Feeney@hotmail.com 1-289-539-2331
176 Bobby Ziemann 388 Hand Grove Angelicamouth Bahamas Kyra.Moen@hotmail.com 973-934-1682 x5270
177 Tatyana Rutherford 148 Powlowski Gardens Joannefort Canada Ludie42@yahoo.com 598-309-1943 x257
178 Willy Wolff 27864 Ariane Island Amychester Thailand Guadalupe.Harvey40@yahoo.com 835.361.3479
179 Mertie Pacocha 95323 Valentina Turnpike Port Jacky Chad Retha.Dooley77@yahoo.com 1-685-772-1411 x80128
180 Macie Kuhic 419 Burdette Drives Jessemouth Bahrain Einar95@yahoo.com (409) 538-3874 x3104