
This example shows the basic usage of the PagingTagHelper with a model. It also disables the HTMX functionality and uses the Javascript snippet to handle the paging.

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Page 17 of 26 (Total items: 256)
Id Name Address City Country Email Phone
161 Chelsey Padberg 230 Molly Branch West Carleyville Djibouti [email protected] 696-764-2200
162 Uriel Kunde 51164 Genoveva Station Wisokyhaven Holy See (Vatican City State) [email protected] (791) 533-8272 x1231
163 Randi Marquardt 3059 Leffler Overpass Rosettaburgh Philippines [email protected] 564.306.8727 x006
164 Grayce Runte 33017 Bins Wall South Ayla Saint Lucia [email protected] 1-989-827-8902 x61820
165 Karina Roberts 8963 Lola Estate Shieldsland Georgia [email protected] 809.742.2414 x46636
166 Leonard Auer 17605 Johanna Tunnel Terrymouth Saint Pierre and Miquelon [email protected] 1-909-627-2346 x94481
167 Ruby King 8393 Beier Inlet Briceburgh Burundi [email protected] 800.271.7108 x076
168 Arely Windler 783 Alivia Points North Jena Isle of Man [email protected] 621-953-9834 x78604
169 Brennan Douglas 31130 Antonetta Forges West Herta Bosnia and Herzegovina [email protected] 281-363-6899 x503
170 Annamarie Hamill 459 Molly Islands Port Demarcus Montenegro [email protected] 1-888-261-8822