This example shows the basic usage of the PagingTagHelper with a model. It also disables the HTMX functionality and uses the Javascript snippet to handle the paging.
Id | Name | Address | City | Country | Phone | |
131 | Abigail Gleichner | 8438 Christiansen Flats | Morarburgh | Somalia | [email protected] | 864-573-0014 x68715 |
132 | Amir Dach | 22943 Emmy Plaza | New Valentinamouth | Georgia | [email protected] | (838) 847-0437 x74157 |
133 | Woodrow Armstrong | 369 Leone Lodge | West Zariashire | Malaysia | [email protected] | (212) 702-5676 |
134 | Seamus Ledner | 07034 Hilpert Walk | South Margotborough | Samoa | [email protected] | 508.554.4121 x17715 |
135 | Erich Hills | 688 Harrison Camp | Port Jasper | Vanuatu | [email protected] | 292-614-8839 x967 |
136 | Keely Koepp | 513 Abagail Spring | West Gillian | Austria | [email protected] | 348.390.3723 x660 |
137 | Donny Davis | 939 Swift Plaza | Marvinfort | French Southern Territories | [email protected] | (205) 623-5198 |
138 | Jordy Ortiz | 4664 Nathanial Trace | North Americamouth | Italy | [email protected] | 1-509-229-8756 x67293 |
139 | Cristian Waelchi | 695 Rodriguez Plains | Cortneyton | Pitcairn Islands | [email protected] | 1-484-726-3394 |
140 | Glen Langosh | 9295 Prosacco Place | Lake Howell | Kyrgyz Republic | [email protected] | (876) 968-0592 x033 |