This example shows the basic usage of the PagingTagHelper with a model. It also disables the HTMX functionality and uses the Javascript snippet to handle the paging.
Id | Name | Address | City | Country | Phone | |
131 | Dixie Thompson | 47850 Mossie Rue | DuBuquemouth | Chad | [email protected] | (510) 433-6150 x4817 |
132 | Enrico Funk | 8019 Clair Fall | South D'angelo | Macao | [email protected] | 1-449-638-0616 x08668 |
133 | Olga Wiza | 19978 Dillan Islands | South Jennie | Saint Helena | [email protected] | 517.547.4388 x523 |
134 | Zoey Kemmer | 47409 Mann Freeway | South Alize | Indonesia | [email protected] | 1-390-718-9337 x05250 |
135 | Jermaine Mann | 86686 Crist Square | Elwinshire | Luxembourg | [email protected] | (592) 577-5056 |
136 | Melany Crist | 420 Iliana Row | Kileyfort | Guinea-Bissau | [email protected] | (329) 388-7723 x0708 |
137 | Kali Keeling | 3583 Daniel Orchard | South Drewside | Comoros | [email protected] | 1-761-769-8748 |
138 | Morgan Heaney | 024 Metz Wells | South Theo | Cape Verde | [email protected] | (665) 609-7916 x151 |
139 | Kyleigh Gusikowski | 08275 Dickens Curve | West Sylvia | Svalbard & Jan Mayen Islands | [email protected] | 849.822.5496 x041 |
140 | Stewart Abernathy | 44671 Isaiah Knoll | East Ivory | Tajikistan | [email protected] | 978-449-6849 |