This example shows the basic usage of the PagingTagHelper with a model. It also disables the HTMX functionality and uses the Javascript snippet to handle the paging.
Id | Name | Address | City | Country | Phone | |
121 | Reynold McCullough | 61253 Hector Highway | Krisburgh | Croatia | [email protected] | (909) 347-9247 x5766 |
122 | Deonte McGlynn | 4305 Cordie Keys | Lake Paulaton | Czech Republic | [email protected] | (927) 318-8677 x38204 |
123 | Orpha Schultz | 9962 Britney Cove | Tyresemouth | Ecuador | [email protected] | 528.501.6379 |
124 | Adah Marvin | 30042 Gerlach Roads | Towneport | Barbados | [email protected] | 275.981.5263 |
125 | Landen Satterfield | 65165 Durgan Pass | Guidoville | Jamaica | [email protected] | 1-893-832-9541 |
126 | Hershel Friesen | 0248 Klocko Prairie | Dawnstad | Hong Kong | [email protected] | 356.533.3589 |
127 | Elisha Wolff | 67245 Mellie Run | South Corrineville | Republic of Korea | [email protected] | (370) 664-1197 x514 |
128 | Mekhi Auer | 6226 Corwin Causeway | Arjunberg | Solomon Islands | [email protected] | 1-811-604-0460 |
129 | Liana Fadel | 4765 Treutel Forks | Diannaberg | Latvia | [email protected] | 833-346-6379 x46011 |
130 | Jaiden Keebler | 32641 Roberts Garden | Vonberg | Guadeloupe | [email protected] | 923.259.3602 x525 |