
This example shows the basic usage of the PagingTagHelper with a model. It also disables the HTMX functionality and uses the Javascript snippet to handle the paging.

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Page 12 of 26 (Total items: 256)
Id Name Address City Country Email Phone
111 Tillman Farrell 0133 Ignatius Forest East Nicolaport Belgium [email protected] 483.894.2415 x48551
112 Khalid Kulas 92315 Monahan Knoll Watsicaland Cook Islands [email protected] 342.263.9048 x6079
113 Jensen Koss 7816 Moen Spurs Luettgenborough Saint Lucia [email protected] 833.785.8982
114 Kaycee Dare 90137 Weimann Shores Mitchellport Micronesia [email protected] 536-742-6805 x555
115 Bessie Bartell 77565 Felicita Causeway North Darren Cape Verde [email protected] 476-280-3874
116 Darrion Weimann 23290 Evie Path West Cordia Brazil [email protected] 535.519.1561 x152
117 Mariam Trantow 3626 Will Brook Mortimershire Holy See (Vatican City State) [email protected] 1-961-472-0370 x893
118 Carlotta Beier 0446 Eino Groves Bruenfort Maldives [email protected] 523.760.1263 x37866
119 Modesto Ward 07833 Christiansen Spurs Port Melodyview Bosnia and Herzegovina [email protected] 1-688-541-7200
120 Blaze Breitenberg 7471 Adele Hollow East Daisha Brunei Darussalam [email protected] (923) 646-3805 x0889