This example shows the basic usage of the PagingTagHelper with a model. It also disables the HTMX functionality and uses the Javascript snippet to handle the paging.
Id | Name | Address | City | Country | Phone | |
101 | Julie Weissnat | 51583 Jasen Canyon | South Alia | Mauritania | [email protected] | (993) 547-3068 x9459 |
102 | Bradford Dicki | 3409 Hassie Mountains | Emardburgh | Italy | [email protected] | 1-319-955-8280 x839 |
103 | Elyssa Kuhn | 14779 Wuckert Wall | Davishaven | Holy See (Vatican City State) | [email protected] | 824-911-2384 x69419 |
104 | Elise Little | 874 Franz Avenue | North Scottyport | Mauritania | [email protected] | 261.987.4956 x379 |
105 | Shawn Kreiger | 4651 Kessler Mall | Lorastad | Seychelles | [email protected] | (935) 938-6918 |
106 | Davin Rempel | 8135 Bode Well | Wardtown | Sao Tome and Principe | [email protected] | (478) 959-0198 |
107 | Orland Schinner | 605 Hamill Junctions | New Geovanni | Armenia | [email protected] | 1-857-242-2124 |
108 | Abraham Gerhold | 16378 Jany Course | Port Jewel | Jersey | [email protected] | (433) 556-5911 |
109 | Kaitlyn Medhurst | 270 Danny Gardens | Carrollmouth | Pakistan | [email protected] | (333) 800-7004 x2615 |
110 | Vernice Brakus | 15716 Gaylord Path | North Claudia | Tajikistan | [email protected] | (297) 616-8089 x32734 |