
This example shows the basic usage of the PagingTagHelper with a model. It also disables the HTMX functionality and uses the Javascript snippet to handle the paging.

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Page 10 of 26 (Total items: 256)
Id Name Address City Country Email Phone
91 Keyon Tillman 32971 Veum Street Nevashire Eritrea [email protected] 571.423.7789 x9346
92 Kathleen Barrows 816 Annamarie Falls Monatown New Zealand [email protected] 658-282-1167 x50424
93 Kole Ullrich 5777 Cassidy Squares Jadaside Montenegro [email protected] 872.286.2255 x320
94 Domenic Howell 98351 Funk Highway McCulloughfort Fiji [email protected] 741-385-9983
95 Douglas Collier 789 Thaddeus Overpass South Rosalinda Serbia [email protected] 990.460.2511
96 Bernadine Hermiston 39752 Goodwin Circle Adolffurt Denmark [email protected] (673) 276-8595 x08503
97 Chad Bayer 0412 Wintheiser Estate Brekkebury Canada [email protected] 525.761.6484 x394
98 Morton Schneider 52969 Jerel Branch New Katlynville Angola [email protected] (986) 540-8608 x42556
99 Fabian Ritchie 283 Prohaska Park Lillaborough British Indian Ocean Territory (Chagos Archipelago) [email protected] 280.606.0460 x827
100 Enoch Breitenberg 533 Lang River Keanuview Lesotho [email protected] 1-971-843-9610