
This example shows the basic usage of the PagingTagHelper with a model. It also disables the HTMX functionality and uses the Javascript snippet to handle the paging.

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Page 1 of 26 (Total items: 256)
Id Name Address City Country Email Phone
1 Jesse Nienow 30983 Wisozk Tunnel Williamsonmouth Papua New Guinea [email protected] 317.493.3713 x091
2 Leonardo Lindgren 378 Ford Street Leomouth Greece [email protected] 269.404.8735 x7937
3 Harvey Batz 2457 Kessler Forest Lake Ursulashire Finland [email protected] 1-814-411-0681 x193
4 Dorris Macejkovic 2039 O'Keefe Fort Destinyton Cayman Islands [email protected] 1-620-762-1790 x7709
5 Vernon Buckridge 4804 Michale Forks North Leopoldfort Sudan [email protected] 938.621.6689 x574
6 Skylar Oberbrunner 011 Brannon Shoal South Anjali Armenia [email protected] (985) 955-5927 x831
7 Arvel Marks 96489 Little Mountain New Myrtie Barbados [email protected] 837-919-6018
8 Sonny VonRueden 7322 Shaun Glens Cesarland Moldova [email protected] 1-417-342-8598 x394
9 Alba Bernier 10349 Schmitt Way Jayneville Maldives [email protected] (716) 521-0374 x010
10 Jada Parisian 1967 Cale Islands New Liliane Venezuela [email protected] 734.690.0955