This example shows the basic usage of the PagingTagHelper with a model. It also disables the HTMX functionality and uses the Javascript snippet to handle the paging.
Id | Name | Address | City | Country | Phone | |
1 | Colten Jones | 74116 Boyle Dale | South Domenick | Italy | [email protected] | 467.704.6667 x66490 |
2 | Rey Waelchi | 011 Jamey Cliffs | South Leonardburgh | Cook Islands | [email protected] | 1-514-710-7731 x82515 |
3 | Jerel Kunde | 1095 Zulauf Via | Bechtelarfort | Argentina | [email protected] | 1-688-391-8724 |
4 | Seth Barrows | 5623 Schuyler Ridges | Reichelhaven | Greenland | [email protected] | 957.813.8860 |
5 | Kurtis Barton | 769 Virginia Alley | West Luraberg | Belize | [email protected] | 551.911.9243 |
6 | Constance Rosenbaum | 9093 Fahey Plains | Gislasonmouth | Somalia | [email protected] | 1-976-339-6309 |
7 | Cleveland Wisoky | 00251 Nikolaus Avenue | North Martashire | Trinidad and Tobago | [email protected] | 1-605-466-7363 x455 |
8 | Elna Breitenberg | 2850 Dickens Track | Marquardtfort | United Arab Emirates | [email protected] | (808) 984-2646 x82149 |
9 | Amos Carroll | 57065 Kreiger Hills | Millerland | Switzerland | [email protected] | 1-967-518-4866 |
10 | Brooke Hegmann | 15482 Wuckert Lodge | Lake Rosamondside | Seychelles | [email protected] | (926) 462-8632 |